2024 Price List: Commercial Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage Systems <500kVA

Enhar’s solar and BESS engineering team, led by solar industry veteran Roger Mansfield, continue to be an industry leader in the detailed design and grid connection management of complex commercial solar and battery energy systems, with experience in all DNSP’s throughout Australia. In 2023, we continued to provide quality engineering services long-term and new clients.

Key projects for 2023:

  • 1MW Solar PV with 2MVA/4MWh battery systems: detailed design and grid connection management for several systems in Victoria (Jemena, Citipower and Ausnet)
  • 20MW ground mount solar PV: detailed electrical and civil design
  • Successful grid approvals for every distributor on the Eastern Seaboard  
  • Jemena Grid approvals: 700kW, 350kW, 1MW and several 30-99kW systems
  • 500kW Solar in Ausnet: detailed engineering, grid approvals and post installation testing
  • 3.5MW Solar with DC connected 3MW/4MWh battery: grid connection management and HV studies
  • Standalone power systems: load modelling and detailed design for >25 Telecommunication sites
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