Solar Farm Owner

Business case for large battery addition to 40MW solar farm

Solar Farm

Modelling financial viability of large scale storage for arbitrage and FCAS.

Key Achievements:


  • Feasibility study and financial model for adding a large scale battery to a 40MW solar farm in Victoria.
  • Financial modelling of revenue streams including FCAS income for the battery, plus the economics of network charges.
  • The model considered spot price revenue from the solar farm before the addition of a BESS, and the impact on revenues and IRR with a BESS.
Technical design file of a solar and smart energy system.

Project Scope

  • Financial modelling of battery revenue.
  • Solar farm feasibility on landfill.
  • Presentations to the Strategic Leadership Team and Councillors

Project Details

  • 40MW solar farm project in VIC under development.
  • Interest in the impact on the business case through addition of a battery.
  • Bankable analysis required.
A man working on electrical schematics at an ergonomic desk
A man working on solar panels on a roof

Project Challenges

  • FCAS forecasting uncertainty  - we used Global Roam data for historic FCAS values, plus AEMO data on FCAS revenues.
  • Changing regulations regarding TUOS charges for batteries.
  • Complex financial model co-optimising multiple targets.
  • Simulation of battery behaviour to optimise revenues.

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