Commercial services

Design and Engineering

Value engineering, detailed design and certification by certified engineers for project owners and EPCs.

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Detailed Design

Our engineering design services for solar, solar/battery hybrid, off grid and EV infrastructure projects are completed by in-house National Engineers Registered (NER) and Registered Practicing Engineers Queensland (RPEQ) engineers, ensuring compliant, best practice and value engineered designs.

Concept, for tender, for construction and as built designs:

  • Electric vehicle infrastructure projects, electrical upgrades, DNSP applications and full electrical and civil design.
  • Grid-connect solar PV system compliant with DNSP grid protection requirements and controls and Australian standards.
  • Grid-connect solar battery hybrid designs optimising complex battery control battery systems and DNSP compliance.
  • Optimised Off Grid Power system design - solar battery hybrid for remote communities, mine sites, telecommunication sites.
  • Structural certification for roof top solar PV.

Do you require detailed technical designs for EV infrastructure, solar/battery or off-grid projects? Get in touch with one of registered engineers.

Projects We're Proud Of

We're proud to have worked with leading organisations with Design and Engineering services to achieve their sustainability goals.

Solar PV, Battery Storage

South Melbourne Market, City of Port Phillip

Feasibility (Solar, Battery, Embedded Network, EV), tender design, grid approval and owners engineer.

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Solar Farm

Independent Engineer: 14.5MW solar, 4MW BESS

Independent review of project engineering and construction quality through to commissioning phases. Site inspections and defects reporting.

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Solar design and grid approval

Water Authority 770kW Ground Mount

Detailed design and grid connection management for 770kW solar PV system across three Water Treatment Plants.

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Solar PV Owners Engineer

4.5MW rooftop solar and carports

Owners Engineer for Solar Programs: rooftop, ground mount and carports. Feasibility, procurement management, quality control, superintendent

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EV Charging

EV infrastructure feasibility modelling and design

EV Charging Infrastructure feasibility, fleet modelling and detailed design. Depot 112 Vehicles, Civic Centre 39 Vehicles.

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Solar Maintenace Auditing

Condition, safety and performance auditing.

Condition, safety and performance auditing on 25 commercial solar PV systems, including creating a detailed asset register.

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Solar PV Owners Engineer

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre 309kW

Feasibility, tender design, grid approvals and compliance engineer, for high profile inner city buiding.

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EV Charging

EV Infrastructure Feasibility for Residential Stata Buildings

30 EV Charging Infrastructure Feasibility assessments for apartment buildings with up to 350 spaces, for facility/owners corporations.

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Solar Hybrid

Standalone Power System design for Telecom Sites

Site assessment, load modelling and detailed 'for construction' design of solar battery diesel for 50+ telecom sites.

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Embedded Network Feasibility for the City of Greater Bendigo

Establishing regulatory, technical and financial viability of a smart embedded network.

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Solar Farm

Independent Engineer: 14.5MW solar, 4MW BESS

Independent review of project engineering and construction quality through to commissioning phases. Site inspections and defects reporting.

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Solar Farm

Maintenance audit of 60MW solar farm

Enhar undertook a maintenance review of a remote 60MW solar farm in a dusty environment in Western Australia.

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Council Landfill Solar Farm Feasibility

Yarra Ranges Council 4.5MW Solar Landfill Feasibility

Solar landfill feasibility study exploring how to transform unproductive land near landfill sits into renewable energy solar farms.

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Battery Storage

Electrical design of 2 x 5MW batteries on Tonga

Detailed electrical design of LV and MV components of BESS systems.

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Solar Farm

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit.

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Battery Storage

4.9MW Longwarry battery land and planning permit

Winning a non-network solution EOI, securing land and planning permit.

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Solar PV Owners Engineer

City of Darebin 850kW Solar and Energy storage

Feasibility, Tender design, owners engineer, compliance and owners engineer. 850kW solar and 110kWh of energy storage.

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Solar PV

Core Complex 200kW Rooftop Solar

Port Melbourne 200kW rooftop solar with 14 x new NMI meters.

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Solar PV

Southwestern Hospitals 1.5MW rooftop solar

Detail design for 1.5MW PV systems for Hospitals in South West Victoria.

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Mallacoota Renewable Energy Feasibility Study

Using a renewable energy hybrid system to provide reliable uninterruptible power for the town of Mallacoota.

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Solar & Battery

Community Bank Stadium Battery Optimisation study

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Knox City Council 4.99MW Landfill Solar Farm

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Solar J

Zero Net Energy Town

Creating Australia’s first town which satisfies all of its own energy needs from renewable energy sources.

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Solar PV, Battery Storage

South Melbourne Market, City of Port Phillip

Feasibility (Solar, Battery, Embedded Network, EV), tender design, grid approval and owners engineer.

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Solar Farm

Independent Engineer: 14.5MW solar, 4MW BESS

Independent review of project engineering and construction quality through to commissioning phases. Site inspections and defects reporting.

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Solar design and grid approval

Water Authority 770kW Ground Mount

Detailed design and grid connection management for 770kW solar PV system across three Water Treatment Plants.

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Solar PV Owners Engineer

4.5MW rooftop solar and carports

Owners Engineer for Solar Programs: rooftop, ground mount and carports. Feasibility, procurement management, quality control, superintendent

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Solar Design and grid approval

Clayton 1.01MW roof top solar, United Energy

Detailed design and grid connection management for 1.01MW solar PV system. 5 LV connection points on a HV supply.

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Solar Farm

Maintenance audit of 60MW solar farm

Enhar undertook a maintenance review of a remote 60MW solar farm in a dusty environment in Western Australia.

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Council Landfill Solar Farm Feasibility

Yarra Ranges Council 4.5MW Solar Landfill Feasibility

Solar landfill feasibility study exploring how to transform unproductive land near landfill sits into renewable energy solar farms.

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Solar Owner Engineer

Solar PV Program (>3MW)

Owners Engineer for UoM >3MW solar program since 2015. Feasibility, design, tender management, quality assurance and asset management.

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Battery Storage

Electrical design of 2 x 5MW batteries on Tonga

Detailed electrical design of LV and MV components of BESS systems.

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Solar Farm

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit.

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EV Charging

EV infrastructure feasibility modelling and design

EV Charging Infrastructure feasibility, fleet modelling and detailed design. Depot 112 Vehicles, Civic Centre 39 Vehicles.

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Battery Storage

4.9MW Longwarry battery land and planning permit

Winning a non-network solution EOI, securing land and planning permit.

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Solar Farm

University campus solar farm

Solar farm specifications, project coordination and grid connection modelling.

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Solar Maintenace Auditing

Condition, safety and performance auditing.

Condition, safety and performance auditing on 25 commercial solar PV systems, including creating a detailed asset register.

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Solar PV Owners Engineer

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre 309kW

Feasibility, tender design, grid approvals and compliance engineer, for high profile inner city buiding.

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EV Charging

EV Infrastructure Feasibility for Residential Stata Buildings

30 EV Charging Infrastructure Feasibility assessments for apartment buildings with up to 350 spaces, for facility/owners corporations.

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Solar Hybrid

Standalone Power System design for Telecom Sites

Site assessment, load modelling and detailed 'for construction' design of solar battery diesel for 50+ telecom sites.

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Embedded Network Feasibility for the City of Greater Bendigo

Establishing regulatory, technical and financial viability of a smart embedded network.

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Solar Hybrid

LHAC: 6 Aboriginal Homeland Communities

Containerised Solar Diesel Hybrid System optimisation and design for 8 Aboriginal homeland communities in North East Arnhem Land and Kakadu.

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Solar PV Owners Engineer

Private hospital solar rollout (national)

Feasibility, detailed design, tender management and owners engineer for hospital sites in Vic, WA and NSW.

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Solar PV, Energy Storage, EV Chargers

Owners Engineer Solar PV, Battery & EV

Working with Nillumbik Shire Council to deliver solar PV with storage and EV chargers, from feasibility to final commissioning.

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Solar Farm

40MW solar with 40MW/80MWh battery, Queensland

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Solar Hybrid Detail Design

Cardinia Childcare: Solar PV and BESS

Detailed design and Grid connection management for 2 x 100kW rooftop solar and 180kW/hr/90kW flow batteries.

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Visual assessment for planning permit

Hepburn Energy - visual assessment for hybrid solar and battery planning permit

Community Solar farm required visual assessment to support its planning permit and community engagement.

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Solar Farm

Business case for large battery addition to 40MW solar farm

Modelling financial viability of large scale storage for arbitrage and FCAS.

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Solar PV detail design and grid connection

Solar PV at school with complex wireless interlock

Creekside College 100kW rooftop solar with wireless interlock.

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Commercial Power System Design for Jemena Sites

Detailed design 'for construction' and ‘as built’ of solar sites. Grid connection approvals.

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South Melbourne Market, City of Port Phillip
Solar PV, Battery Storage

South Melbourne Market, City of Port Phillip

Feasibility (Solar, Battery, Embedded Network, EV), tender design, grid approval and owners engineer.

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Independent Engineer: 14.5MW solar, 4MW BESS
Solar Farm

Independent Engineer: 14.5MW solar, 4MW BESS

Independent review of project engineering and construction quality through to commissioning phases. Site inspections and defects reporting.

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Water Authority 770kW Ground Mount
Solar design and grid approval

Water Authority 770kW Ground Mount

Detailed design and grid connection management for 770kW solar PV system across three Water Treatment Plants.

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4.5MW rooftop solar and carports
Solar PV Owners Engineer

4.5MW rooftop solar and carports

Owners Engineer for Solar Programs: rooftop, ground mount and carports. Feasibility, procurement management, quality control, superintendent

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Clayton 1.01MW roof top solar, United Energy
Solar Design and grid approval

Clayton 1.01MW roof top solar, United Energy

Detailed design and grid connection management for 1.01MW solar PV system. 5 LV connection points on a HV supply.

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Maintenance audit of 60MW solar farm
Solar Farm

Maintenance audit of 60MW solar farm

Enhar undertook a maintenance review of a remote 60MW solar farm in a dusty environment in Western Australia.

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Yarra Ranges Council 4.5MW Solar Landfill Feasibility
Council Landfill Solar Farm Feasibility

Yarra Ranges Council 4.5MW Solar Landfill Feasibility

Solar landfill feasibility study exploring how to transform unproductive land near landfill sits into renewable energy solar farms.

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Solar PV Program (>3MW)
Solar Owner Engineer

Solar PV Program (>3MW)

Owners Engineer for UoM >3MW solar program since 2015. Feasibility, design, tender management, quality assurance and asset management.

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Electrical design of 2 x 5MW batteries on Tonga
Battery Storage

Electrical design of 2 x 5MW batteries on Tonga

Detailed electrical design of LV and MV components of BESS systems.

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400MW Solar farm design and planning permit
Solar Farm

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit.

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EV infrastructure feasibility modelling and design
EV Charging

EV infrastructure feasibility modelling and design

EV Charging Infrastructure feasibility, fleet modelling and detailed design. Depot 112 Vehicles, Civic Centre 39 Vehicles.

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4.9MW Longwarry battery land and planning permit
Battery Storage

4.9MW Longwarry battery land and planning permit

Winning a non-network solution EOI, securing land and planning permit.

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University campus solar farm
Solar Farm

University campus solar farm

Solar farm specifications, project coordination and grid connection modelling.

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Condition, safety and performance auditing.
Solar Maintenace Auditing

Condition, safety and performance auditing.

Condition, safety and performance auditing on 25 commercial solar PV systems, including creating a detailed asset register.

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Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre 309kW
Solar PV Owners Engineer

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre 309kW

Feasibility, tender design, grid approvals and compliance engineer, for high profile inner city buiding.

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EV Infrastructure Feasibility for Residential Stata Buildings
EV Charging

EV Infrastructure Feasibility for Residential Stata Buildings

30 EV Charging Infrastructure Feasibility assessments for apartment buildings with up to 350 spaces, for facility/owners corporations.

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Standalone Power System design for Telecom Sites
Solar Hybrid

Standalone Power System design for Telecom Sites

Site assessment, load modelling and detailed 'for construction' design of solar battery diesel for 50+ telecom sites.

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Embedded Network Feasibility for the City of Greater Bendigo

Embedded Network Feasibility for the City of Greater Bendigo

Establishing regulatory, technical and financial viability of a smart embedded network.

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LHAC: 6 Aboriginal Homeland Communities
Solar Hybrid

LHAC: 6 Aboriginal Homeland Communities

Containerised Solar Diesel Hybrid System optimisation and design for 8 Aboriginal homeland communities in North East Arnhem Land and Kakadu.

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Private hospital solar rollout (national)
Solar PV Owners Engineer

Private hospital solar rollout (national)

Feasibility, detailed design, tender management and owners engineer for hospital sites in Vic, WA and NSW.

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Owners Engineer Solar PV, Battery & EV
Solar PV, Energy Storage, EV Chargers

Owners Engineer Solar PV, Battery & EV

Working with Nillumbik Shire Council to deliver solar PV with storage and EV chargers, from feasibility to final commissioning.

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40MW solar with 40MW/80MWh battery, Queensland
Solar Farm

40MW solar with 40MW/80MWh battery, Queensland

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Cardinia Childcare: Solar PV and BESS
Solar Hybrid Detail Design

Cardinia Childcare: Solar PV and BESS

Detailed design and Grid connection management for 2 x 100kW rooftop solar and 180kW/hr/90kW flow batteries.

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Hepburn Energy - visual assessment for hybrid solar and battery planning permit
Visual assessment for planning permit

Hepburn Energy - visual assessment for hybrid solar and battery planning permit

Community Solar farm required visual assessment to support its planning permit and community engagement.

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Business case for large battery addition to 40MW solar farm
Solar Farm

Business case for large battery addition to 40MW solar farm

Modelling financial viability of large scale storage for arbitrage and FCAS.

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Solar PV at school with complex wireless interlock
Solar PV detail design and grid connection

Solar PV at school with complex wireless interlock

Creekside College 100kW rooftop solar with wireless interlock.

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Commercial Power System Design for Jemena Sites

Commercial Power System Design for Jemena Sites

Detailed design 'for construction' and ‘as built’ of solar sites. Grid connection approvals.

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Solar Farm

Independent Engineer: 14.5MW solar, 4MW BESS

Independent review of project engineering and construction quality through to commissioning phases. Site inspections and defects reporting.

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Solar Farm

Maintenance audit of 60MW solar farm

Enhar undertook a maintenance review of a remote 60MW solar farm in a dusty environment in Western Australia.

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Council Landfill Solar Farm Feasibility

Yarra Ranges Council 4.5MW Solar Landfill Feasibility

Solar landfill feasibility study exploring how to transform unproductive land near landfill sits into renewable energy solar farms.

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Battery Storage

Electrical design of 2 x 5MW batteries on Tonga

Detailed electrical design of LV and MV components of BESS systems.

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Solar Farm

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit

400MW Solar farm design and planning permit.

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Battery Storage

4.9MW Longwarry battery land and planning permit

Winning a non-network solution EOI, securing land and planning permit.

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Solar Farm

University campus solar farm

Solar farm specifications, project coordination and grid connection modelling.

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Solar Farm

40MW solar with 40MW/80MWh battery, Queensland

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Visual assessment for planning permit

Hepburn Energy - visual assessment for hybrid solar and battery planning permit

Community Solar farm required visual assessment to support its planning permit and community engagement.

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Solar Farm

Business case for large battery addition to 40MW solar farm

Modelling financial viability of large scale storage for arbitrage and FCAS.

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Solar Design and grid approval

Clayton 1.01MW roof top solar, United Energy

Detailed design and grid connection management for 1.01MW solar PV system. 5 LV connection points on a HV supply.

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Grid Application and Approvals
Design and Engineering
Solar Hybrid

Standalone Power System design for Telecom Sites

Site assessment, load modelling and detailed 'for construction' design of solar battery diesel for 50+ telecom sites.

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Off Grid Power Systems
Design and Engineering

Other Services

Our independent consulting services are designed to optimise, de-risk and ensure quality, compliance and safety from project inception through to commissioning.

Feasibility Assessment

Assess optimised project solutions through professional technical and financial assessment.

Feasibility Assessment

Assess optimum system solutions and reduce project risk with an independent feasibility assessment:

  • Stage 1 Desktop feasibility for high level options report.
  • Stage 2 Detailed feasibility inlcuding technical inspection by a CEC accredited electrician.
  • Compliant and safe roof layouts.
  • Yield estimations with Helioscope or PVsyst.
  • Integrated analysis of electrical load profile and yield.
  • Technical and financial system optimisation.
  • Identification of key technical risks and site upgrades.
  • Electricity tariff review and government subsidies.
  • Business and financial case for various options.
  • Procurement strategy.

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Director & Head of Commercial Services, Co-Founder

Trevor prides himself on ensuring quality, compliant and risk free solar and smart energy projects for Enhar clients. He heads up the commercial services division, managing an industry leading team of accredited professionals, providing consulting services for solar PV, energy storage or EV infrastructure projects.

Design and Engineering

Value engineering, detailed design and certification by certified engineers for project owners and EPCs.

Design and Engineering

Limited team, skills shortage, delays, quality challenges?

Our NER/REPQ certified engineering team complete detailed design services for solar, solar hybrid, off grid and EV infrastructure projects for both project owners and EPC contractors.

  • Enhanced system compliance, reliability and safety.
  • Compliant designs to Australian Standards, DNSP requirements and best practice.
  • Provide safe roof layouts ensuring maintenance access and access to other roof plant.
  • Improved project aesthetics and integration with the surrounding environment.
  • Value engineering to optimise installation and materials costs.

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Director & Head of Commercial Services, Co-Founder

Trevor prides himself on ensuring quality, compliant and risk free solar and smart energy projects for Enhar clients. He heads up the commercial services division, managing an industry leading team of accredited professionals, providing consulting services for solar PV, energy storage or EV infrastructure projects.

Grid Application and Approvals

Hassle-free grid approval and DNSP compliance using Enhars registered SAA engineering team.

Grid Application and Approvals

Our engineering team have experience with grid connection approvals for every DNSP's across Australia. We specialise in larger complex solar and solar battery systems.

  • Ensure compliance with regulations, standards and specifc requirements of each electrical distributor.
  • Avoid delays and re-designs due to non-compliance, we know what the DNSP requires.
  • A streamlined process helps your projects get compliant and to avoid delays in grid approvals.
  • Post installation testing and reporting to DNSP requirements

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Technical Director - Commerical

Roger is a registered electrical engineer with NER, REPQ registration and over 20 years' experience in the renewables industry. He has completed design detail and managed grid connection applications for every distributor in Australia, from conventional solar PV systems, to complex solar battery hybrid and MW scale behind the meter systems with complex secondary protection controls. He brings technical excellence ensuring compliant, best practice and value engineered designs.

Procurement Management

Streamline procurement with the solutions you want, ensuring quality products and installations from reputable suppliers

Procurement Management

Full procurement management including site specifc designs, robust evaluation and pre-qualified suppliers, to ensure quality, compliance, no variation claims and take out the guess work.  

  • Detailed site specific designs and installation briefs.  
  • Project specifications, response schedules & documentation.
  • Invited tenders to pre-qualified EPC/suppliers.
  • Independent robust tender evaluation by industry experts.
  • Contract review and assistance.
  • Recommend the most suitable and cost-effective suppliers and contractors.

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Lead: Commerical Solar Management

David is a SAA accredited A grade electrician and experienced Operations and Project manager within the Solar industry, he has built up an extensive network and knowledge base of the past 12 years in the renewable energy industry. David is comprehensively skilled in technical installation, quality and project management, monitoring, grid connection of PV systems, post installation quality auditing and solar asset management. He is results and quality driven, highly motivated, budget focused professional with a strong client service focus.

Owners Engineer and Compliance

Quality assurance across all project stages to de-risk and ensure best practice, safety and compliance.

Owners Engineer and Compliance

Experienced certified engineers and accredited electricians on your team for your next solar, solar battery or electric vehicle charging infrastructure project; ensuring quality from design to installation and commissioning;

  • Detailed design and documentation review and approval.
  • Regular onsite technical inspections.
  • Review and approve design alteration's.
  • Assist with progress invoices and variation claim's.
  • Post installation auditing and defect management.
  • Review and approve as built drawings O&M manual's.
  • Ensure system is switched on and grid approval is received.
  • Ensure a safe and compliant installation.

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Lead: Commerical Solar Management

David is a SAA accredited A grade electrician and experienced Operations and Project manager within the Solar industry, he has built up an extensive network and knowledge base of the past 12 years in the renewable energy industry. David is comprehensively skilled in technical installation, quality and project management, monitoring, grid connection of PV systems, post installation quality auditing and solar asset management. He is results and quality driven, highly motivated, budget focused professional with a strong client service focus.

Post Installation Auditing

Post installation auditing to ensure compliant installations reducing future performance and safety issues.

Post Installation Auditing

Non-compliant installation are common and lead to future performance, safety and warranty issues;

  • Ensure system installation is compliant to Australian Standards, project specifications and best practice.
  • Experienced, industry leading CEC accredited electricians who have audited 100's of commerical systems.
  • Review O&M manuals and as-built drawings for compliance and accuracy.
  • Defect rectification management.

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Lead: Commerical Solar Management

David is a SAA accredited A grade electrician and experienced Operations and Project manager within the Solar industry, he has built up an extensive network and knowledge base of the past 12 years in the renewable energy industry. David is comprehensively skilled in technical installation, quality and project management, monitoring, grid connection of PV systems, post installation quality auditing and solar asset management. He is results and quality driven, highly motivated, budget focused professional with a strong client service focus.

Safety, Performance & Condition Auditing

Existing systems are often unsafe, underperforming or switched off, our CEC electricians audit and rectify.

Safety, Performance & Condition Auditing

Many commercial solar and smart energy systems have never been maintained or inspected by an accredited person. Are your solar PV systems safe, performing optimally and even switched on? We conduct performance, condition and safety audits of existing PV and battery systems.

  • Team of experienced in-house CEC electricians.
  • Audit the entire system for compliance, operational issues, condition and safety.
  • Provide details of recommended rectifications and equipment replacement required.
  • Rectify minor issues on site.
  • Benchmark system performance against expected generation.
  • Creating of asset registers.
  • provide electrical and roof layout drawings of systems.

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Lead: Commerical Solar Management

David is a SAA accredited A grade electrician and experienced Operations and Project manager within the Solar industry, he has built up an extensive network and knowledge base of the past 12 years in the renewable energy industry. David is comprehensively skilled in technical installation, quality and project management, monitoring, grid connection of PV systems, post installation quality auditing and solar asset management. He is results and quality driven, highly motivated, budget focused professional with a strong client service focus.

Solar Asset Management

Maximise the operational performance and ensure safety with proactive asset management and monitoring.

Solar Asset Management

Hassle free ongoing management of your solar and battery assets by our experience accredited team, to ensure performance and safety.

  • Active monitoring through Enhar's monitoring platforms or third-party inverter online portals.
  • Monthly or quarterly reports on system performance, faults and rectifications.
  • Identification and management of faults and underperformance.
  • Management of product warranty claims.
  • Reactive Maintenance and Rectification.
  • Periodic Maintenance.
  • Solar panel cleaning.

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Lead: Commerical Solar Management

David is a SAA accredited A grade electrician and experienced Operations and Project manager within the Solar industry, he has built up an extensive network and knowledge base of the past 12 years in the renewable energy industry. David is comprehensively skilled in technical installation, quality and project management, monitoring, grid connection of PV systems, post installation quality auditing and solar asset management. He is results and quality driven, highly motivated, budget focused professional with a strong client service focus.

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Independant fleet and electrical demand modelling, optimised EVSE infrastructure design.

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Enhar models future EV electrical demand to optimise required electrical infrastructure upgrades whilst ensuring future EV demand is met.

  • Existing electrical infrastructure assessment by qualified electricians.
  • Detailed EV fleet modelling, assessing daily/annual km's, vehicle efficiencies and charging times.
  • Future electrical demand modelling to minimise required electrical upgrades and ensure EV demand requirements.
  • Detailed design of required electrical upgrades.
  • Management of required electrical supply upgrades.
  • Tender and procurement management.
  • Owners engineers to ensure compliance and best practice.

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Engineer and CEC accredited solar electrician

Ryan is a A-grade electrician and Mechatronics engineer with over 10 years’ experience in the renewables industry; and 3 years in the EV charging industry. He takes great pride in delivering projects that are to the highest possible workmanship standards, exceeding Australian standards and ensuring best practice to ensure the long performance and safety of the asset.

Solar PV Systems

Solar is complex with many technical, procurement and financial risks; get an independent expert on your team

Solar PV Systems

Enhar are independent solar PV experts; with an industry leading team of solar professionals.

  • Assess optimum solutions through independent feasibility assessments.
  • Successfully procure quality solar PV systems with the solutions you want
  • Best practice, compliant detailed design and certification
  • Streamlined grid connection approvals; with experience with every distributor in Australia
  • Quality management/owners engineer through installation ensuring compliance and best practice
  • Ongoing asset management ensuring your systems a safe and performing optimally.

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Director & Head of Commercial Services, Co-Founder

Trevor prides himself on ensuring quality, compliant and risk free solar and smart energy projects for Enhar clients. He heads up the commercial services division, managing an industry leading team of accredited professionals, providing consulting services for solar PV, energy storage or EV infrastructure projects.

On Grid Hybrid and Battery

Optimise battery performance, sizing and financials; detailed design, grid approvals and quality control.

On Grid Hybrid and Battery

On grid hybrid and battery systems are technically complex in a rapidly changing industry. An optimally designed battery system can provide reasonable financial returns from various income streams, whilst increasing on-site usage of solar PV, reducing peak demands and providing back-up power.

  • Optimise system sizing to increase financial returns.
  • Independant advice on battery and control systems
  • Detailed design of complex systems to DNSP requirements
  • Grid application and management
  • Procurement management and documentation
  • Owners engineer services ensuring quality

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Engineer and CEC accredited solar electrician

Ryan is a A-grade electrician and Mechatronics engineer with over 10 years’ experience in the renewables industry; and 3 years in the EV charging industry. He takes great pride in delivering projects that are to the highest possible workmanship standards, exceeding Australian standards and ensuring best practice to ensure the long performance and safety of the asset.

Off Grid Power Systems

Optimise off grid power system design, through detailed load and system modelling, design and value engineering.

Off Grid Power Systems

Complete off-grid consultation from load modelling, design optimisation, detailed design and owners engineers

  • Load analysis and modelling using PVsyst
  • Solar PV and battery sizing optimisation to limit back-up supplies
  • Independant advice on solar, battery and control products
  • Full detailed design services
  • Procurement Management
  • Owners engineer for construction quality over-site

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Lead Engineer: Off Grid and Hybrid

Rana is a professional electrical engineer with SAA Grid connect and off grid design accreditation and 14 years' experience in all aspects of solar power generation and battery hybrid. His technical understanding and thorough approach has allowed him to successfully build and manage the solar PV and Hybrid division, optimising and design complex solar hybrid systems for off grid applications.

Have a lot of free roof space?

Building a solar farm?