Energy Yield Assessments
Bankable energy generation estimates for solar farms.
Credible Energy Yield Assessment
Successful solar energy projects require considerable financial investment, and to gain adequate support of those investors it's critical to demonstrate the technical and financial viability of the project.
Enhar provide independent, accurate and reliable assessments of the expected energy yield of your project, that can be used by developers to secure funding for projects. Our energy yield assessments take into account numerous factors to accurately determine the expected annual energy yield, the performance ratio and probabilities of exceedance cases of your project in both the long and short term.
Enhar has an extensive track record that is recognised by developers, debt and equity providers and insurance companies.

The following information is crucial to know when seeking investment for your project.
- Available Solar Resources
- Meteorological Data
- Technical Design
- System Components
- Energy Losses
- Uncertainties related to each step of the simulation.
If you require assistance in acquiring above information for your project, Enhar has a team of accredited engineers with access to the resources needed to create them. Simply get in touch and we'll help you validate your project and prepare it for investment.
Projects We're Proud Of
Full Scope Utility Services
There’s a lot to having the idea for solar to actually generating energy. We can help you through every step of the way.
Portfolio Expansion
Expand your portfolio of Solar & BESS through our greenfield site development services
Portfolio Expansion
Seeking to add 1000’s of MW of BESS and solar to your portfolio?
We assist experienced global developers to expand your portfolios in Australia by:
- Targeting new greenfield areas to suit your preferred project MW scale and regional focus.
- Providing pre-developed BESS and solar farm site opportunities with land exclusivity agreements already in place.
- Providing independent due diligence on site acquisition options you are considering.
- Supporting your development team by becoming a trusted long term partner.
- Sharing development risk with you by providing base fee plus success fee structures .
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Land Aquisition
Secure optimum land where grid and development approval prospects are strong
Land Aquisition
Need to secure land before spending big bucks on grid enquiries?
Competition for grid capacity and land is fierce.
Enhar targets strategic grid capacity locations where suitable land is available to secure the right land in the right locations. Such places include lower value grazing country adjacent to substations, with unrestrictive planning zoning.
Our team researches landowners before meeting face to face so we can get straight down to business.
Through experienced landowner negotiation, Enhar secures Lease Option agreements which are commercially and legally sound.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Development Approvals
Secure development approvals from statutory authorities, on time and budget.
Development Approvals
Need a simple path to development approval?
Enhar manages and delivers the full planning permit process for solar farms and BESS projects to ensure that:
- The land selected, and concept design, has good prospects of receiving approvals
- We consult the planning authority for early feedback and positive relationships with staff in government
- Early surveys are conducted to de-risk the process
- Bottlenecks are avoided to ensure final approvals are obtained sooner
We can manage multiple approvals concurrently, leveraging economies of scale and efficiencies.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Feasibility Studies
Power your business cases with our insights on risks and opportunities.
Feasibility Studies
Developers of utility solar farm and BESS who wish to strategically invest in expansion of their portfolios require feasibility studies to into grid capacity, planning and land viabilty on a regional level, then drilling into site specific feasibility.
We integrate the disciplines necessary to de-risk project holistically and can bundle this into competitive feasibility reports for our clients.
For the Australian local government sector and University clients we have a long history of providing feasibility and business cases for <5MW solar farms and storage.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Due Diligence
Provide lenders with peace of mind, evaluate risks before acquisition.
Due Diligence
Due diligence examines risks relating to land agreements, development approvals, engineering design, energy yield forecasts, EPC contracts and more.
These risks must be known and used to inform project investment and acquisition decisions.
Enhar's expertise is in large scale solar farms and battery storage projects and have completed due diligence on countless projects through development and design documentation. We also provide reviews and risk tables for you and your investors to evaluate the project.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Energy Yield Assessments
Bankable energy generation estimates for solar farms.
Energy Yield Assessments
A successful solar energy project requires investment, and to gain adequate support it has to demonstrate technical and financial viability. Enhar provide independent, accurate and reliable assessments of the expected energy yield of your project, that can be used by developers to secure funding for projects.
Our solar farm energy yield assessments take into account numerous factors to accurately determine the expected annual energy yield, the performance ratio and probabilities of exceedance cases of your project in both the long and short term.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Design & Engineering
Accurate, value-engineered drawings for tendering and construction, ensuring compliance and safety.
Design & Engineering
Enhars team includes Registered Professional Electrical Engineers, CEC accredited designers and electrical installation experts can assist with all medium to large-scale solar and hybrid technical designs to suit our client’s needs.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Owners / Lenders Engineer
Ensuring optimal, quality and safe outcomes from your EPC through to commissioning.
Owners / Lenders Engineer
As an Owners’ Engineer we provide ongoing review and assessment of all aspects of the design and engineering associated with the solar farm or BESS project.
We coordinate with all the stakeholders effectively to maintain clear lines of communication and ensure there are no lapses throughout the execution of the project.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Project Management
Ensure optimal and safe performance of your assets with benchmarking and proactive maintenance.
Project Management
Enhar has extensive experience in managing solar projects all the way from conception to commissioning.
As such our team has a solid understanding of what it takes to develop a project and navigate the financial, legal, technical and regulatory hurdles to ensure a successful outcome. Enhar works closely with our clients’ legal, finance, engineering and commercial teams to move a project to Financial Close.
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Director & Head of Utility Services, Co-Founder
Demian has over 20 years of experience in taking solar, wind and storage projects from origination through design and planning to construction. He leads our utility scale solar and storage division and focusses on empowering out team to maximise value delivered for our clients with a team culture of excellence.
Building next-gen electrical infrastructure?
Building a solar farm?